Billions of dollars are spent each year on preventing the progress of aging or reducing the appearance of aging. As people age, they all want to look younger. Whether it’s thinning hair, growing waistlines, wrinkling skin, or other aging issues, men and women both frequently turn to products to help fight aging. Trends come and go, so what are the most popular ways to fight aging going to be in 2017?
Here is what is going to be popular goals and resolutions in 2017 according to Product Anti Aging:
Skin Creams
Skin creams are used for many different benefits, and their use should continue to be popular in 2017. Moisturizing and infusing healing properties into aging skin helps keep skin healthy and fights the signs of aging. They can also help remove imperfections and fight bacteria.
The most popular skin creams are anti-acne creams, which typically take the form of Retinoids or Benzoyl Peroxide. Their purpose is to dry out acne spots, remove access oil, fight bacteria, and sometimes use a bleach to lighten dark acne spots. Other popular creams include anti-wrinkle creams (exfoliating, collagen, resurfacing), bleaching creams (lightening age spots, hydration), eye creams (reduce puffiness, diminish crows feet and circles), and body creams (hydration, sun protection, dry and cracked skin prevention). Creams can be used to treat a number of different ailments and aging signs. Another type of anti aging supplement that you can incorporate into your skincare routine can be organic anti-aging capsules. These capsules can activate the age-defying chemicals in your body and help remove old and dead skin cells. However, you can do your own research to make sure you know what you are putting in your body.
Quit Smoking
With the coming of the new year, many people will be looking to break bad habits. Smoking is one of the worst habits out there, and it’s one of the most common habits people try to break at the beginning of each year.
Going “cold turkey” can be very difficult. The support of friends and family is important when overcoming any addition, but products are available to improve success rates as well. Patches can help ebb cravings, while many tout electronic cigarettes as a “safer” alternative (although it’s still relatively new and lacks scientific backing). But if you’re going to work to have a healthier lifestyle in one way in 2017 and you’re a frequent smoker, quitting will be the best way to improve your overall health.
Lose Weight
The most popular New Years resolution is losing weight. From diet plans and books to supplements and medical products, this industry is worth billions. In 2017, expect to continue to see new and improved products aiming to help a variety of people achieve their weight loss goals.
There are a lot of systems, myths, and diets to wade through every year. The Paleo diet has increased in popularity (really just another flavor of Atkins), but what will be the dietary choice for 2017? Whatever dieting tips you choose to follow or weight loss pills you choose to take, make sure they are approved, trusted, and safe. You can get pills and supplements that could support weight loss by looking for an online home pharmacy that can deliver products to your doorstep. Moreover, establishing a sustainable lifestyle is the most important when starting a new diet.
Developing healthy exercising habits goes hand-in-hand with weight loss goals (or at least it should in most cases). Maintaining an active health style also helps fight the signs of aging. Studies have shown that even just a walk each morning can improve cognitive function, and working out for even 10 minutes a day can have a substantial effect on well-being.
So what exercises are right for you? Not everyone likes to just do push-ups in his living room, and the fitness industry is always coming up with new equipment to make exercising fun. 2017 will be no different. Whether it’s the next P90X or some kind of fun new weights, the fitness industry is constantly evolving to keep people engaged.
Cellulite Reduction
Everyone wants beautiful skin, and that isn’t likely to change in 2017. Lots of products exist to fight against cellulite, and using them can reduce the appearance of cellulite and make skin appear younger. Creams can hydrate the skin and improve overall health. Others may improve the look of the skin temporarily, while still others provide skin with essential vitamins and nutrients.
Teeth Whitening
Who doesn’t like a bright smile? And show it off more! A great smile can make anyone look younger and more vibrant, plus if you must wrinkle, smile wrinkles are the ones to have. Tooth whitening technology continues to improve, so whether you’re interested in teeth whitening treatments or just want to use strips, the industry is constantly coming up with new ways to brighten that smile.
Wrinkle Reduction
But that doesn’t mean you can put off having those smile wrinkles as long as possible. Creams, sprays, and procedures to prevent the appearance of wrinkles will continue to increase in popularity as the baby boomer population ages. As discussed earlier with the creams, this is an extremely popular need for aging Americans. Supplements, creams and sprays are all popular ways to tackle those wrinkles, especially products such as nmn supplements that are easy to take and that start working straight away.
Wrinkle reduction products attempt to treat sagging skin and facial muscles, boost the skin with collagen, and resurface fine lines and wrinkles on the skin. The result? Younger looking, smoother, healthier skin.
Remember the craze back in 2009 about the anti-aging properties of resveratrol? Found in red wines, resveratrol is making a comeback and has been shown to provide health benefits for the aging body. If you’re not a fan of drinking red wine, capsules can help mainline those potential health benefits.
Of course, there will probably be some new “revolutionary” advance that no one seems coming (as all health companies like the claim). As is the case with anything in the health and pharmaceutical industry, make sure you do your research on the products you’re taking and always consult with a medical professional if you have any questions. Equally importantly, always follow the instructions on the packages and don’t take medications you don’t have prescriptions for.
Health products are just a part of an overall healthy lifestyle. They aren’t a cure-all, but they can help you look and feel younger, more vibrant, and happier with your appearance when used properly.