Getting Better Through Rehabilitation After Sports Injury

Getting Better Through Rehabilitation After Sports Injury

In a time when prevention of sporting injuries is the name of the game, it is quite natural for an athlete to be concerned about post-operative rehab after sports injuries. While the concept of rehabilitation may not have been around as long as orthopedics and sports...
Reasons Why It Is Important To Have A Fitness Health Check Up

Reasons Why It Is Important To Have A Fitness Health Check Up

When it comes to your health, one of the most important things that you can do is to go for a fitness health check up. This will help you keep a tab on your body condition. However, when this is not done properly, many people end up making some mistakes. So, what are...
Why is My BMI So Important?

Why is My BMI So Important?

Body fat percentage is the ratio of total body weight to height. It is an important measure of overall health that can help you determine whether you are in good physical condition or not. According to the World Health Organization, the ideal body fat percentage for a...
Mixed Nutrient Institute

Mixed Nutrient Institute

Nutrition is the science which interprets the nutrients, tissues and micro-nutrients in food according to their function, maintenance, development, fertility, metabolism and disease of organisms. It involves absorption, assimilation, production, biosynthesis,...
Learn Basic Abdominal Exercises For Home Workouts

Learn Basic Abdominal Exercises For Home Workouts

If you are seeking a way to quickly lose weight, build muscle and get fit, there is no faster way than home workout videos. Whether you are new to weight training or are an experienced weightlifter, a home workout video can help you add the pounds you want to put on...