Have you begun to notice a gradual decline in the strength of your eyesight? Have you noticed a disruption to your sleeping patterns, as well as experiencing eye irritation? Well, this could be because too much blue light is entering your eyes, and whilst we can’t escape this, we can do something to protect our eye health. For example, looking for blue light glasses from a site like https://felixgray.com/collections/blue-light-glasses can help to make sure that the appropriate levels of blue light is entering your eyes, and in turn, your overall health can be improved. But there are just some things that require big changes, especially if your eyesight is deteriorating. And if you could stop it or reverse it, then surely you would? Did you know that making changes in your diet now can not only prevent degradation of your eyesight but can actually improve the health of your eyes right now, by focusing on healthy nutrition which will also promote good circulation to the blood vessels in your eyes?

Most people who link nutrition to eyesight, think of carrots, and then perhaps dismiss the connection altogether. However, there are very strong and important connections between our diet and the health of your vision and with some attention to these, eye weaknesses and disease can be prevented. If you’re experiencing persistent changes in your vision or eye health, it’s always a good idea to book an appointment with a trusted professional, such as an optometrist edina (or another local area), who can help assess your eyes and provide personalised recommendations.

Our eyesight is a product of over 15 separately distinct chemical reactions within the retina. These processes convert light energy into bio-electrical impulses that can be decoded by the brain as eyesight, providing us with approximately 80% of our information intake. A deficiency in any one of links in the chain of chemical reactions in the retina can lead to significantly impaired eyesight, even though it may take some time to realize it. If you are having problems with your eyesight and you want to find out about laser surgery, check out www.lasereyesurgeryhub.co.uk.

Eating Your Way to Healthy Vision

Recent discoveries have shown the benefits of lutein, beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, and zinc, among others. Antioxidants (beta-carotene, vitamins C and E), for example, may be responsible for slowing down the rate of oxidation, a destructive chemical process that can damage the eyes.

Antioxidants: These are chemicals found in fruit vegetables and the supplement lutein. They work to protect the eyes from cell damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are groups of atoms, which damage cells, impairing the immune system and leading to infections or sometimes degenerative disease, including damage to the eyes and vision. Foods rich in antioxidants include:

  • Blueberries
  • Black currants
  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Wild salmon
  • Egg yolk

Protein: A healthy amount of protein in your diet can help reduce the risk of cataracts. In healthy eyes the lens – the part of the eye that along with the cornea helps to refract light which is focused on the retina – is clear. Cataracts form as cloudy areas in the lens. They may develop in one or both eyes. If they do occur in both eyes, one is usually affected more than the other. Once part of the eye’s lens becomes clouded by cataracts not enough light is able to pass through and your vision will become blurred. Foods containing healthy protein include:

  • Whole eggs
  • Cottage cheese
  • Oats
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Lean beef
  • Almonds

Keep up with a healthy diet for your eyes every day. If you are noticing a difference in your eyesight and you are not seeing as clearly as you once did, you should make an appointment to see your ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

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