You’re recovering from your recent surgery, and you’re back into the routine of working and spending time at home, but you’re yet to step foot back in the gym or hit the streets in your running shoes. Below, we’ve rounded up some tips on how to exercise after having surgery.
- Consult your doctor
Before embarking on any strenuous exercise regimen, it’s crucial to consult with your doctor. They can provide you with post-care instructions and a clear timeline for when it’s safe to resume physical activity. For instance, if you’ve recently undergone evo icl (implantable collamer lens) surgery, it’s prudent to consult your ophthalmologist not only for post-operative eye care but also for guidance on when to resume exercise. Similarly, after a hip replacement surgery, seek advice from your orthopedic surgeon regarding the optimal time to reintroduce exercise. When a professional provides specific instructions, it’s important to follow them diligently, as disregarding their advice could lead to lasting damage to your body.
- Start walking
One of the best ways to get back into shape and keep your body fighting fit is to exercise. Of course, you won’t lose as much weight walking as you would by swimming or cycling, but it’s exercise nonetheless and can set you on the road to a more active lifestyle. Plus, depending on your weight, walking just a mile can burn up to an impressive 160 calories, so put on your walking boots and head for the hills! Oh, and if you’re not confident walking on your own, ask a friend or family member to come with you – and pack your medication if needed so that you don’t have to worry about getting home as soon as you can.
- Sign up for a boot camp
If you’re sure that you’re up to the challenge, then consider signing up for a boot camp to help you get back into shape. After surgery and extended periods of inactivity, it’s only natural that you’ll have lost muscle mass and your confidence – attending a boot camp can help you find your feet and get you back into the spirit of working out. Prestige Boot Camp UK offers easy-to-follow boot camps in the UK as well as relaxing fitness retreats in Europe.
- Don’t overdo it
If you’re still getting back into a routine, it’s important that you don’t overdo it. Think about your body and decide whether it’s safe to go for a run, or whether you should ease yourself back into it through walking and hitting the treadmill. Be sensible, seek the support of a professional sports coach or therapist, and take your time. Even if it takes six months to get back to your usual strength and stamina, it’s better than causing damage to your body while you’re still in the healing process. Know your limits, and don’t be afraid to stop.
We’ve rounded up four tips to take into consideration when exercising after surgery. As we have already stated, please seek the advice of your medical professional before getting back into your workout regimen, as you don’t want to cause further damage to your body or prolong the healing process. Whether you’re a beginner or a professional, good luck.