Body fat percentage is the ratio of total body weight to height. It is an important measure of overall health that can help you determine whether you are in good physical condition or not. According to the World Health Organization, the ideal body fat percentage for a healthy adult is less than 20% for women and more than 30% for men. Obesity is an increasing problem in many parts of the world. The best way to control your weight is to understand what your BMI is and what it means.
The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a common value calculated by a health professional for a person’s height and weight. The BMI is measured in units of pounds per kilogram of body weight, expressed as a percentage of body mass, and is usually expressed in pounds per metre squared. Your BMI will depend on your age, gender, current weight, height and activity level. People who have a high BMI often have problems with high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Therefore, controlling your BMI can significantly improve your health.
To better understand your BMI and how it affects your health risk, it is useful to understand what the definition of a healthy weight is. According to the WHO, the ideal body weight for a man is between twelve and twenty-four pounds. A healthy weight is that which most of your body can carry and does not include your skinfold thicknesses. For women, the ideal weight is below the normal range for female body types.
If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease or cancer, you may want to take a look at your BMI to see if you fit into the low or high category. If you do have these conditions, you may have an increased risk of developing obesity. High bmi scores suggest that you are overweight or obese. Therefore, if you have high BMIs, it is important that you consider losing weight to reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases.
You may be wondering why exactly your BMI is calculated as well as how it is calculated. It is done by using certain statistical factors. First, the percentage of your body size that is lean is taken. The average weight for a man of this size is approximately forty pounds, so you will want to adjust your BMI accordingly. The next factor is your height, so the higher your height, the lower your BMI will be.
You also need to take into account your age, gender and height when determining your big score. Women tend to have larger waists and hips than men, so you will want to lose weight if you are considered to be overweight or obese. Your age, gender and height can also affect your BMI, so it is important that you understand how they will affect your score.