When it comes to maintaining a healthy weight, many people put their primary focus on their waistline. After all, a flat stomach is about more than good looks. Keeping off the fat promotes better heart health and organ function. It also reduces your risk of developing type II diabetes. While abdominoplasty can be the solution to restoring a trim appearance after major weight loss, to keep your belly looking and feeling its best in the years ahead, you need to follow a few basic health guidelines.

Better Diet

It should come as no surprise that your diet plays a key role in maintaining a flat belly. Many people, understandably, have trouble changing the way they eat or even what they eat. But that’s why diet programs exist, and so do wellness retreats. Everyone is more or less aware that wellness retreats offer numerous health benefits, but rarely do they know that perhaps one of the biggest benefits is that such establishments promote healthy eating because of the ingredients they use and the way they cook.

The type of food you eat isn’t the only potential contributor to weight-related problems. Portion control is one of the biggest issues – even if you’re eating healthy, eating too much will cause you to pack on the pounds. To offset this common issue, many nutritionists recommend eating a light, healthy snack in the mid-afternoon. This will help you avoid overeating at dinner.

Whole grain foods are some of the best choices for maintaining a flat belly. In addition, consuming monounsaturated fats (rather than other fat options) can help you keep your weight under control. Avoid heavily processed foods when possible.

Ab Exercises

Ab exercises are often the first thing that comes to mind when trying to flatten out your stomach – but this doesn’t mean you should just add 100 crunches to your workout routine. Though crunches are helpful, you should also incorporate planks, ball exchange exercises, and side bends into your workout. For best results, your workout should cover your entire abdomen, including your obliques and transverse abs.

Nonetheless, it’s essential to recognize that certain situations might require alternative approaches. For instance, if you’re dealing with excess fat or sagging skin in your abdominal area, relying solely on ab exercises might not yield the desired outcome. In such cases, considering a tummy tuck surgery performed by a reputable plastic surgeon could provide a more effective solution to address these concerns. This tailored procedure can help you achieve the desired results that traditional exercises might not be able to provide.


As valuable as ab exercises are, frequent cardio workouts are actually the most effective exercise for maintaining a flat stomach. Running and pilates are popular options (especially since a Pilates Coaching session would combine muscle workouts and cardio), but don’t be afraid to try something a little different!

For example, boxing is an especially effective form of exercise, because your entire core is engaged while punching and twisting your body. For best results, you should participate in cardio exercises five times a week for at least 30 minutes.


It isn’t always easy to maintain your looks and health, even after you lose weight and slim down your belly. By incorporating these basic practices into your life, however, you’ll be able to get the results you desire and feel better about your body.

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