Why Exercise Alone Won’t Help You in Losing Weight?

Why Exercise Alone Won’t Help You in Losing Weight?

Image Credit: Pixabay Exercise is great. Science has proven many times over that there are multiple benefits to having a routine exercise program. However, weight loss is not one of them. If you go the gym for 2 hours per day, and continue to eat an unhealthy diet,...
7 Healthy Snacks to Boost Your Workout

7 Healthy Snacks to Boost Your Workout

Source: Stockpholio.net/jeffreyw When it’s time to hit the gym to get sweaty, choosing the right healthy snacks can be your best weapon to fuel your performance, If you’re wondering what kind of pre-workout snacks you should eat to give you the best...
Vitamins and Minerals You Should Be Getting Through Your Diet

Vitamins and Minerals You Should Be Getting Through Your Diet

Every diet needs vitamins and minerals. They keep your body running and they are linked with lessened risk for things like cancer and heart disease. Many people get what they need from supplements such as these bariatric vitamins. Of course, this is a good way to top...
How To Eat Healthily Over Easter

How To Eat Healthily Over Easter

With Easter around the corner, the growing anxiety of holiday treats threatening your eating habits can pop up again. From the endless chocolate bunnies to the massive feast served up by your relatives, it can all be quite overwhelming for your health.  Here at The...