If you took everything dietary supplements producers and pharmaceutical companies said as gospel, every single one of your days on this earth would make for some rather comical viewing. The stage over which this comical act would play out would include just about every space you occupy as you go about your daily business, while the entertainment is kept going with a gym bag full of all sorts of dietary supplements and over-the-counter medications that would raise a red flag at the airport, to say the least.

Now, I’m partial to a few supplements myself but they’re your basic protein, cod liver oil etc. I’m not into these fad diet pills or anything that you can buy over the internet because, well let’s face it, you have no idea what you could be putting in your body and if I’m going to be putting something bad into my body, I want to at least enjoy it, like chocolate.

There are supplements for everything these days, from vitamins to multivitamins, immune system boosters to illness prevention products, and even supplements that would be hard not to question the legitimacy of, such as face rejuvenation creams. Healthy aging supplements supplied by websites such as About Health are however a popular choice, keeping you healthy AND assisting with aging skin – pretty impressive, right? There are supplements to “help fight against the spinal cord de-generation that inevitably comes with aging” and all sorts of things, but if you’re looking to build muscle mass or indeed if you’re looking to build up some muscle endurance, these and other requirements can benefit out of the use of dietary supplements.


Energy drinks definitely work and work well in some instances during which they’re required, but you should never make energy drinks your go-to source of energy for a prolonged period of time. There are some healthier alternatives of supplements which work with the body to produce more energy, such as a creatine powder, which is mostly used by bodybuilders to provide energy for the muscles to contract. If you lead an active lifestyle and would have a hard time getting in a decent amount of sugar and fat for energy through your normal diet, creatine is a great supplement to provide those much-needed bursts of energy.

A much healthier alternative to fizzy energy drinks could also take the form of isotonic sports energy drinks like Gatorade, Powerade, Energade, etc. However, as with everything it seems these days, there are pros and cons to these too.

Muscle Mass

When people think of supplements, they probably think of those protein powers used by bodybuilders to build muscle mass. In truth, bodybuilders, even those huge blokes who go for the freaky look, will admit to supplements only making up a portion of the nutritional intake they need to get that big. So if you’re worried about bulking up too much, don’t worry about protein shakes fuelling too much mass gain.

Otherwise if you are looking to build some muscle mass (complemented with resistance training/weight lifting of course), the sort of protein shakes you should consider are those which contain whey protein. A high concentration of whey protein is seldom effective on its own though, so perhaps some of those protein shakes mixed in with milk solids and some creatine are best. You can compare Creatine Gummies vs Powder to see which one is best for you. Otherwise, you might be well on your way to living out that life of someone whose mornings include a ritual of ingesting a whole lot of different supplements and medications.

Otherwise you might be well on your way to living out the life of someone whose mornings include a ritual of ingesting a whole lot of different supplements and medications, which let’s face it, is no fun for anyone really.

General Health and Immunity

Multivitamins have often been described as just an investment in expensive, brightly coloured pee, but they’re not completely useless. In fact, the mere fact that some GP doctors prescribe multivitamins to patients who complain about a lack of appetite should say a lot about how effective they can be.It’s perhaps not a good idea to use multivitamins everyday for a sustained period of time however as they’re primarily meant to close the gap on any micro-nutrients shortfalls you may have. If you want to take vitamins, go for specific vitamins to fill a specific micro-nutrient area your normal diet may be lacking in.

It’s perhaps not a good idea to use multivitamins every day for a sustained period of time however as they’re primarily meant to close the gap on any micro-nutrients shortfalls you may have. If you want to take vitamins, go for specific vitamins to fill a specific micro-nutrient area your normal diet may be lacking in. They’re also good to have as part of treatment for other things. For example, a friend of mine is currently receiving rosacea treatment in London and his vitamins and minerals in the morning, so he says anyway, help him to get up and about and make the most of his day while he’s travelling to London so often for his treatment.

A good Vitamin B complex supplement, for example, would be great if you’ve perhaps been on the run lately and you haven’t had time to get a proper diet rich in iron in to you.

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