Weight Lifting For Better Results

Weight Lifting For Better Results

Weight lifting is a common form of resistance training to build up the size and strength of your muscles. It uses the force of gravity on the body in the form of weight stack, dumbbells, or weighted bars to oppose the force produced by the muscle during eccentric or...
Sunscreen to Prevent Aging: FAQs

Sunscreen to Prevent Aging: FAQs

Of all the ways to slow signs of aging, there’s perhaps no recommendation that has been around longer than this one: wear sunscreen. But why is wearing sunscreen so important? We’ll answer that and several other frequently asked questions about sunscreen...
6 Signs You Have an Earwax Blockage

6 Signs You Have an Earwax Blockage

While it may not look attractive, earwax plays a vital role in keeping the ear canal lubricated, clean and healthy. Generally, earwax will naturally pass through your ears, but in some cases, it can build up and block the ear canal. Earwax blockage is usually down to...
How to Stay Fit While Recovering From An Injury

How to Stay Fit While Recovering From An Injury

How to Stay Fit While Recovering From An Injury No matter what level of physical activity you engage in daily, injuries can have a physical and mental debilitating effect on your well-being. For a physically active person, the impact can be devastating and make you...
CBD Products and Your Overall Health

CBD Products and Your Overall Health

In the last decade, the recreational use of cannabis has become legal across the US. The first two being Colorado and Washington in 2012. From there, more states have jumped on the bandwagon. Today, the recreational use of marijuana is legal in Oregon, California,...